Monday, September 22, 2008

Leaving on a Red boat!

With grass growing on the keel and only 2 days left on our Tongan visas, we're ready to move on to new places. If all plans fallinto place we will be deliverying a very beautiful yacht from Fiji to New Zealand around November 8th, so we are thinking of heading to Fiji now.We have explored most of the anchorages here in Vavau and have had a wonderful time with the other boats for dinner parties, ect...Last Friday night weentered into the Friendly island race again, only this time we had a full crew onboard Mai Miti. Tom, and Colleen from the sail boat Mokisha, had thereson Matt from California here to visit, so we thought it a nice welcoming to have them all race with us. We were also very lucky to end up with Ryan,(a nativeColoradian who crewed for Destiny from Niue to TOnga) onboard with us as well, to serve as the Tacktician! Things got a little interesting during the numeroustacks trying to shuffle everybody from one side of the boat to another, but we had a blast in the process and the extra rail meet was useful! This week we took 7th place, a step back from the prior week's 5th place victory, but our prize this time was much more useful; six free local beers from the yacht club! We were happy to be able to give ourcrew a little something back for all of their hard work:-)
Other than that, we have been enjoying anchorages out of town with lake like stillness and peaceful sunsets away from the hustle and bustle of thecity. One anchorage is just on the other side of the town, but it's seperated by the tallest mountain here called Mt. Talau. A whopping 430ft above sea level, it'snothing compared to the Rockies, or Everest, but it did lend for picture perfect post card views at the top. In one picture posted on flickr, you can see an ariel view looking down on a bay with a tiny boat sitting alone in it(You have to look really hard), that's Mai Miti from Talau! Then there's another picture looking to the other sideof Talau and that's Neifu, the big city! That's where we'll be for the next couple of days untill we check out with customs on Wed. THe one plus about beinghere for two more days is that hopefully we'll get to see the Fakalady show at Tonga Bobs on Wed. night. According to the grape wine, this is a no can miss show,full of Tongan men dressed as woman for a fashion show! We're not really sure what to expect, but we'll keep an open mind:-)

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